(Archives) Alexander Movchan donnera un séminaire intitulé "Structured interfaces for flexural waves. Transmission resonances and localisation." le lundi 26 novembre 2012 à 11h00 à l’Institut Fresnel.

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(Archives) Alexander Movchan donnera un séminaire intitulé "Structured interfaces for flexural waves. Transmission resonances and localisation." le lundi 26 novembre 2012 à 11h00 à l’Institut Fresnel.

Docteur Honoris Causa d’Aix Marseille Université, cet éminent chercheur donnera un séminaire à l’Institut Fresnel en Salle Pierre Cotton le 26 novembre 2012 à 11h00.

Abstract :

The talk presents a model of resonance transmission for flexural waves
interacting with periodic grating stacks. An analytical iterative procedure
has been developed to construct the transmission and reflection matrices
for an arbitrary stack of periodic gratings and to identify the trapped
modes. Transmission shows a high increase for frequencies corresponding to
trapped modes for a pair of gratings within an elastic plate. Control
parameters such as the angle of incidence and relative shift of gratings
within the stack appear to be important. The analytical model is supplied
with numerical simulations. The talk is based on the results of the joint
work with S.Haslinger, N.V.Movchan and R.C. McPhedran.